Searching John E. Williams

Your search for 'John E. Williams' returned the following items...

Item Type Date
55717 LEO - The Automatic Office (1957) Media  1957 
Anthony Robin Davies: Commentary Article  Unknown 
Controlling Software Projects: Management, Measurement and Estimation Document  1989 
Elixir Software - Game  1987 
Hareraiser (Prelude) Software - Game  1984 
IEEE Annals of the History of Computing - April-June 2004 Magazine  2004 
IEEE Annals of the History of Computing - October-December 2005 Magazine  2005 
Max Newman Person  7 Feb 1897 
Memories - The Novachord and the father of ENIAC by Dan Wilson Article  Unknown 
Powers-Samas & ICT Documentation Document  1950 
The Brains Behind The Buttons Article  5 Jan 1967 
The Festival of Portable Computing (18th & 19th May 2024) Event Ticket  18 May 2024 

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